Guide for Authors


Submission of manuscripts to Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (JPHS)

should be made electronically through the following way:



Online submission system

* Manuscripts published or currently under review elsewhere are ineligible for submission.



Acknowledgements of contributions, but not direct involvement in the research, should be stated in a separate section at the end of the article before the references. Do not include them on the first page as a footnote or otherwise.

Conflict of interest policy

Conflict of interest is a situation in which authors, editors or reviewers have competing professional or personal interests that may inappropriately bias their work or their judgment. Authors are requested to recognize and disclose any actual or potential conflicts of interest such as financial, personal or other relationships with people or organizations involved in the research.

Copyright Transform agreement

Corresponding author, on behalf of all other authors, is required to fill the copyright transform agreement form and submit it electronically to the office to permit Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (JPHS)to publish and distribute their work. By signing the copyright transform agreement, the corresponding author certifies that he/she  has obtained permission from all other co-authors to distribute their work and accepts to transfer all copyrights for an unlimited period of time to Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (JPHS)


Creative Commons License

Materials in our website and publications are subject to Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.

English language fluency

Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (JPHS) offers English editing services for non-native English speaking authors. Authors may consider using our professional editing service if they think their manuscripts need English editing and revision after submission to the journal. Ineligible manuscripts written in broken English will be rejected.

Ethical guidelines

Animal and human experimentation must comply with international guidelines and declarations as well as regulations enforced by the local ethical committees of the countries where the research is done. Experiments on human subjects must be performed after a written informed consent form has been signed by the subject or his/her guardian. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences  (JPHS)reserves  the right to reject papers based on ethical considerations when the scientific value of the research does not justify the methods utilized to perform the study.

For more information about ethical issues, please visit the following links:

1985 International Guiding Principles for Biomedical Research Involving Animals

International Ethical Guidelines for Biomedical Research Involving Human Subjects

Formatting guidelines

Manuscripts submitted to JPHS for publication should be typed in a single MS Word file and should be formatted as a double-spaced document, typed in one column pages with one-inch (2.5 cm) margins on all four sides of the page.

JPHS requires from all authors to include in the same MS Word file all additional raw data and material in connection with charts, figures, graphs and tables used in their manuscript.

Body of the manuscript should be typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The title of the paper should be centered at the top of the page, typed in bold 18 pt. Times New Roman font and should bear the title of the manuscript, the names of all the authors and their affiliations and the corresponding author’s contact details. The number of characters in the title must be limited to 100 (excluding spaces). The name of the authors should be written under the title in bold 12 pt. Times New Roman font and their affiliations should be written under the title in 12 pt. Times New Roman font. The corresponding author’s e-mail,postal addresse,  Phone number and Fax number  should be provided in the footnote of the first page.

The number of pages of a manuscript (excluding spaces) should not exceed the usual page limit depending on the type of the manuscript (original research article, review article, short communication, letter to the editor). An even number of pages is highly preferred and strongly recommended by the editorial board.

Abstract and keywords

Abstract is a one-paragraph, self-contained, standalone summary of your work that others may use it as an overview of your article in search engines and indexing databases. An intelligent use of appropriate phrases and key words in the abstract is of fundamental importance to facilitate access to your article and increase its visibility in search engines and indexing databases. A well-written abstract must address most important questions regarding your work in less than 250 words. Instances of the important questions that the abstract section should answer include: Aims / Objectives , materials & methods, results, and last but not least, conclusions and implications. After the abstract of your article, you should provide 3 to 7 keywords, written in alphabetical order and separated by semicolons.  Because most search engines fail to display mathematical symbols and special characters, please try to provide a text-only abstract and minimize the use of mathematical symbols and accented variables.

Referencing style

It is very important to cite the references according to the journal rules and format. A manuscript that does not follow the reference citation of the journal, will be returned to the author before undergoing any review or initial screening. References citations must be provided as follows:

Citation in the text:

Rule # 1)  If you report the name of the author in the text, cite as “Last Name (2000)”. For example; As Name (2016) reported in his previous work ― please note that just the LAST NAME of first author is used.

Rule # 2)  If the name of the author is not part of the text, follow these rules:

  1. References with one author should be cited as (Last name, year) such as “It has been reported (Last Name, 2016)”.
  2. References with two authors should be cited in the text as (Last name of first author and last name of second author followed by a comma and then the year, such as (Last Name 1 and Last Name 2, 2016). Please note that the LAST NAMEs of both authors are used.
  3. References with more than two authors should be cited in the text as (last name of first author with et al., followed by a comma and then the year) such as (Last Name et al., 2016).  Please note that only the LAST NAMEs are used ― no initial(s) or first name.

If more than one reference is used for the same data or information, the references should be chronologically listed and separated by a semi- colon such as (Last Name et al., 2015; Last Name  et al., 2016). Rule # 2 applies to references between semi-colons, separated by semi-colons.

In the reference list:

Rule # 1)  List references in alphabetical order of the first author’s last name (surname).

Rule # 2)  If two or more references have the same author, the list should be organized based on author’s name and year of publication (references of the same author must be listed sequentially with the earlier publication listed first).

Rule # 3)  Provide the names of all authors.

Rule # 4)  In writing the names of the authors, the rule is to use the last name and then the initials for the first and/or middle names. No period or space between the initials: For example, (Blue AB, Pink B, Green CJ, et al (2016).

Rule # 5) The volume number has to be in bold face.

Rule # 6) in writing the name of journal, the rule is to use the standard abbreviation of the Journal’s name.

For Journals:  Author’s name according to the reference list rules 1 to 5, then TITLE followed by YEAR inside parenthesis, followed by the standard abbreviation of the journal name, volume number (in bold), followed by starting page, then – ending page. The ending page should be just the last digit:  322-24 or 322-324 is wrong ― 322-4 is the correct use in this case.

An example for journal:  Blue A, Pink B, Green C (2016). TITLE. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev, Volume, 322-4.

For Books:  The same formatting rules for name and page numbering. A book reference should include (Authors, book title, chapter title, publisher’s name and address, and page number).

An example for a book:  Brown A, Pink B, Black CD (2016). Cancer Prevention. In 'Neoplasia', Eds Blue D and Red E. Asian Pacific Education Press, Bangkok pp 1-10 Numbers 322-4.



It is the sole responsibility of authors to obtain permission for the use of copyrighted material including figures, tables, illustrations or quotations previously published elsewhere.


According to Wikipedia, Plagiarism is defined as the wrongful appropriation, stealing and publication of another author’s thoughts or ideas and the representation of them as one’s own work. Plagiarism is considered an academic dishonesty, copyright infringement and a serious violation of publication ethics. Other similar ethical offenses include duplicate publication, data fabrication and improper credit of other authors’ contributions. All manuscripts submitted to JPHS  will undergo strict screening for unoriginal material by plagiarism prevention software.

Author inquiries

Authors can track their submitted manuscript through JPHS’s website on author’s login section at: